Thursday, July 22, 2010

im new to this.

so this is my first blog, im actually a tad bit excited. thanks to my lovely cousin jacque im trying this all out. it might actually be a great stress relief for myself. i'd love to make my blog deep real and fun of course. well today i was just thinking about a recent new found happiness ive had with my antidepressants. well i thought my dreams fears and hopes. i decided i'd start out my blog with dreams(:

i have an unobtainable dream to fly and feel the clouds.

to study photography and take pictures of the real world we choose to ignore.

to join the peace core and make difference.

to fall madly and deeply in love.

to live in a beautiful mysterious home.

to someday have my own home library filled, spiral staircase and all.

to have a child to love and make my world.

these are just a few of my many dreams that keep striving throughout life to make it all reality.


  1. Cute! I like this idea to make a list of your dreams!

  2. excellent dreams!
    and welcome to the blogging world :D

    my name's Gwen :)
    i look forward to reading more about you and your life

